
 Been so sleepy this week, even went to bed at 8pm last night, same as Emily.  Amazingly I am actually sleeping, but don’t feel any less tired for it and 2 hours rest during the day as well!

Yesterday was busy with an hour long appointment in the morning and then going to Sheffield to see my Dad’s Dr for another hour long appointment in the afternoon and just getting back in time to collect Emily from school.  So no rest yesterday.  Emily was in a terrible mood last night which was even more exhausting.

My Dad has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s with Dementia.  It is not unexpected, but we now have to do decide where we go from here and consider living arrangements for him and my mum.  At the moment he is confused so can’t really take part in any discussions so its very difficult to know what is best for them.  The Dr says as he is he will need 24 hour care which is only available in a nursing home, but he may improve, but they still need to think about more suitable living arrangements.

Tried not to do too much today as I want to get to the quilting class tomorrow with Sarah, at Rivers Meet but only time will tell.  Done a few rows of the waistcoat, its growing quite fast and has 5 sets of stripes.  Got some new card patterns last week, would like to get some done and some bracelets I have in mind, but I never seem to have the time and energy.  I made bracelets for Emily’s teachers last year, would like to get chance to do them again this year, as I already have the beads its a cheaper easier option for me.  I made cards as well with a little girl on the front made to look like Emily and in school colours.

I can’t find a picture of the cards.  term will be over if I don’t get a move on, will have to speak to Emily and see how many people are involved with her class, it was 3 last year as the two teachers job share.

Off to do school pick up in the rain 🙁 I don’t have an umbrella smiley!

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