I went to Rivers Meet yesterday. Barbara was there and she showed me some techniques for sewing up knitting which I really could do with help with as mine is always messy. She says I can take my knitting in and she will help me, so I am happy again now. The waistcoat is going well, I am onto the front now, but I don’t get much time to do it as things are hectic and I am always so tired. The evening are getting shorter as its now nearly 8.30 by the time Emily is settled in bed and I am usually in bed myself by 9.30, often earlier.
School is winding down for the summer. Its sports day today, off to watch soon. I am quite busy with appointments and end of term things at school which makes it hard to rest up ready for the school holidays. Not sure how to fit everything in and be ready for the school holidays, its an ME nightmare.
I still haven’t made the teachers bracelets. Made the cards with Emily last week.
I am supposed to have quilting next week, I missed the last one so really want to go, although I still haven’t finished the piece of work from May’s class. Was good to get the
In my madness I decided to do the Play day event. Just having a few friends around for picnic and play, but it will be hard work and I am not sure it is my best idea ever!!!
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