
Aggggghhhh as in ouch I am in pain with my neck and back and my hip was very painful earlier.  Got a physio appointment for next Monday, so also aaaaaggggggghhhhhh as in I will never have any money.

Aaaaaggghhhhh as in I am exhausted, but could not settle to rest as my heart was pounding due to adrenaline from overdoing it for the last I don’t know how long!

Aaaaaagggghhhh as in loads of ideas in my head for cards and crafts and no time or energy.  For the idea I would also need new Sizzix dies of large letters at £10.99 each, somehow I don’t think that will happen being nearly £300 for whole alphabet let alone storing them and another £55.99 for numbers! Anyone got a lottery ticket they don’t want?!

Aaaaaggggghhhh as in my Mum was supposed to get her car back today, but they found some more damage so she can’t have it back until end of week.

Now for some cute things.  My sister in law at Isla’s attic cut the letters for Emily name picture and Emily and I put the decoration on, it looks great and is now up on her bedroom wall.

On Friday I took Emily to Our Handmade Collective in Leeds with a friend to a Teddy Bears picnic

Hoping to go again on Wednesday as they are doing face cloth dogs and chocolate lollipops.  They have just posted on their facebook page;

“Ooh, a lovely day all round on Wednesday, our Summer of Craft workshops continue with ‘Make your own facecloth Dog’ and you can make your own chocolate lolly’s with York’s Chocolate Story – what a fab day to come down and visit us!

York’s CHOCOLATE Story will be visiting Leeds on Wednesday 14th August to give people a chance to get hands-on and have a go at making their own chocolate lollies.
In a sweet treat for the summer holidays, people will be able to make, decorate and take away their own delicious chocolate lollies, with live workshops running between 11-4pm, for a cost of £1 – what a treat! Make sure you come along early to sample some beautiful chocolates!”

Shame I can’t eat chocolate, but sure Emily will have fun, was planning to go after lunch, hope all the chocolate has not gone by then and hope I am well enough to go, not looking great at the moment, an early night beckons I think.

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