Bad Week

Had a rubbish week last week, was so wiped out and needed to rest a lot just to function!

Hoping for a bit better this week, but not too hopeful.

Had my hair coloured on Saturday which always makes me feel rubbish, perhaps I should just accept being grey! But it helps me to feel half way human to have my hair looking nice.

Crafting has definitely taken a back seat, although I have finally got all the ends sewn in on the waistcoat so can continue with the knitting and hopefully now have it looking tidier thanks to being shown techniques by Barbara at Rivers Meet.  When I went to the knitting class a few weeks ago I found a friend (the picture does not do him justice)

Just leave me sitting there with a cat, some knitting and a cup of tea and I will be happy.  Cats and knitting don’t always mix though.  My own cat sits in the way or tries to play with the needles!

I did start stitching the birthday card too.

As usual I am overwhelmed with ideas, but not able to do them 🙁

Trying to get my hear around Christmas presents, would love to make some stuff, but it puts a lot of pressure on me to get it done whilst trying to juggle other things too! I made a button card the other day, it is not great and needs to be finished off.

Hoping to see Bead Shop Leeds at Rivers Meet on Oct 26th, might get some ideas and inspiration for making things.
I keep wishing I could find time for some respite at Fountains Court, but its finding the time and its not fair on Rob and Emily to abandon them so that I can recharge a bit.  Its great to have a break, but the benefits are not huge and I often feel awful whilst I am away as everything catches up with me and I have too much time to think.  I do usually return in a better mental state having had chance to think things through, but usually more determined to push and do too much to make up for being away and feeling so useless!
Well better move myself or it will be another day of not much getting done.

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