The extra hour is very over rated if you can’t sleep and makes for a very long night 🙁 Makes me think of when I used to work nights, its easier to work and stay awake than try to sleep!! I always liked working nights. It feels like such a waste of time when I am laying in bed trying to sleep and watching the hours go past. I feel I should get up and do something, but even though I am awake I am always very tired and getting up feels such an effort and would make functioning during the day even harder.
Its amazing what goes through my head and its not usually nice thoughts, lots of regrets and thoughts about things I want to do or wish I had done, being awake becomes a form of torture.
Emily is particularly hard work at the moment and its difficult to keep calm and rational and remember that it is normal six year old behaviour. We all get very stressed and bad tempered. Was interesting to look at this Child Development Guide and somewhat reassuring that she is normal!! Wonder what typical 42 year old behaviour is? Lol according to Andrew Sadock (? who) its a critical stage that must explain it!
Craft as ever is lacking and with half term this week I don’t think much will get done, ah well there is always next year 8-|
Well everyone is up and about now so best get moving. We are supposed to be going to Rothwell Baptist Church shoebox service for Operation Christmas Child.
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