Adding the list to my previous post messed up the formatting so I could not continue on that post as I could not work out what was going on!! So this is the second part.
At the moment I am suffering noticeably less pain which is amazing. The only thing I am doing different is not walking all the way around the school to drop Emily off and pick her up, it was along walk for me. After quite a bit of negotiation I am now allowed to park in the car park and take Emily into the reception area and watch her go through to her classroom when the bell rings. Doing this also means that I don’t get cold which makes my pain bad and I can sit whilst we are waiting for the bell. I am therefore very grateful that I am allowed to do this and did not expect it to have such an impact, long may it last!
I am still suffering with a sore throat and cough that I have had for weeks and does not seem to want to go, but its bearable. My stomach is also not happy, its very uncomfortable after eating think I need to be a bit more careful what I eat for a while and to eat a bit less in one go, I tend to force food down and try not to leave any to set an example to Emily as we tell her she has to eat her dinner before getting a pudding. My husband usually dishes up and does tend to put too much on the plate will have to keep an eye on him 😉 I know its difficult as I am thin and everyone thinks they need to fill me up, but I can’t eat huge meals.
I saw this fabric on ebay, it would be great for my quilt, but can’t find it in this country £6.48 to get it shipped from US would make it rather an expensive piece of fabric.
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