
Wow seen another jacket pattern

and some trainers to match!!  The patterns are not a bad price, but shipping would be expensive, will have to wait until they have them as downloads. And this is gorgeous, also at Annie’s (love that name too, could have called my little girls Annie if hubby agreed!)

Emily is excitedly using her advent calender 
The house is still upside down, this is the view from my bed 
Its actually quite relaxing having fish tank in bedroom and being deaf the noise of tank does not bother me.  We are waiting for a carpet fitting date, hoping it will be asap but probably about 2 weeks so no end in sight yet.  We are eating dinner off my craft table as new furniture not coming until after carpet fitted, Christmas decorating will be rather late around here if at all!! Watch this space.
Found another interesting site last night when aimlessly sitting at computer as too tired to do anything else or to move away!!  String Art I love the pictures, but not sure I would be able to knock in nails, but thought might be able to adapt some of them into stitched cards instead, but not sure if my brain could work it out properly! Love this circle which is a free pattern so might give that a go after the madness that we call Christmas is over or maybe in about June when I have recovered from said madness and Emily’s birthday which is 6 weeks after Christmas so the Christmas madness just seems to go on until mid February when I collapse in a heap.
Feeling pretty rubbish today, sore throat, very tired and in pain 🙁  Got 2 days without my PA this week too, not good timing.

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