Well its the mad time of year again and ME and Christmas are not a good combination. I like the Christmas time and its nice for the children, but I think even they feel the pressure these days as they have to do a school play and learn Christmas carols on top of normal school life. Its always a busy term at school and the term when most children pick up bugs. Emily has another cold and is far from happy. There is a lot of pressure to be good so Santa will come (does not work in our house!) and trips to see said Santa, who they are actually afraid of! As adults we would not sit and talk to a big fat stranger in strange clothes who by all accounts has some very strange behaviour (flying round the world and breaking into people’s houses) , but we make our kids do it! Emily is terrified of the thought of Santa in her room, so we have to make sure he leaves her things outside the room. Again who would want a strange man in their room?
The rest of us have the pressure of Christmas shopping, attending Christmas events, writing cards to people we never see, visiting people, decorating the house and so on. If I was well enough I would love to be involved in doing something for people in need. I have worked many Christmas days and most of them were good, the only thing I didn’t like was working in a restaurant, people were horrid to the staff and didn’t seem to recognise that we were missing our own Christmas for them. The work in care homes, hospitals and home care was always a nice feeling. We went on holiday one Christmas too before we had Emily at Schloss Hotel Rosenegg it was a much more traditional Christmas and was lovely. Christmas day was a bit strange as there was nothing happening, we had no presents and we left on Boxing Day. it was strange being away from family, but I would do it again.
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You do not need to celebrate it I don't and never have:)
That is true and there are many who do not celebrate for one reason or other. I do believe in Christmas and like to celebrate, but its the commercialism and pressure that I don't like and don't really understand how Christmas became like that. Even though you don't celebrate it yourself you must feel many of the consequences of Christmas time as it has such a big influence on British culture.