10 days to go

Just 10 days to go to Christmas and then we will be able to get back to normal!

It seems an awful lot of work for one day, that to be honest is just another day.

I like the Christmas season, but it has been taken over by commercialisation and is no longer about the birth of Christ.  Where did all the present buying and fat men in red suits come from?

Most people seem to put more into Christmas than birthdays.  I think birthdays are more special because they are about that one person, unless you are me who got married on my birthday so have to share it with my husband.  Emily and Rob have birthdays 3 days apart and next year Emily’s party is on Rob’s birthday so he has to share his day with a girls pamper party!

Its nice to give and receive presents but its too much.  I remember a couple of years ago Emily getting up and looking at the pile of presents and saying there is too much.  I always say I am not going to buy as much, but we are bombarded with so many things and there is always just one more thing that you like the look of that would be nice for so and so and there you go more money spent and then we spend hours wrapping it all up in paper that gets thrown away and much of the time people are not interested in what you have bought anyway!  Perhaps we should go back to a present each and a satsuma!

When you have an illness like ME, Christmas and New Year are a sign that another year has passed and things are no better, another year has gone without achieving the things you want to achieve, another year without a job, another year older.  Emily is another year older and I feel that her childhood is passing me by and I can’t be the Mum I want to be. Another year so dependent on other people and feeling so useless.

This week is another busy week for me with Emily’s school carol service tomorrow, furniture delivery on Tuesday and theatre to see Jungle Book on Thursday, then there is all the wrapping and sorting to do.  I am looking forward to all these things its great to see and hear the kids singing and its the only really Christmas thing I get to do.  The West Yorkshire Playhouse is always good, but its hard having an evening out and I usually get very uncomfortable sitting and concentrating. We try to go to captioned performances as I can’t hear well enough so miss so much of what is going on, but it is hard work following what is happening on the stage and reading the captions. My new hearing aids have a better loop so that should help me hear better at the theatre and hopefully at church too, but its all such a drain on my already low energy.

Todays Crafty likes

backing papers
Cute sheep

I still have cards to make for Emily and Rob, better get a move on if they want them this Christmas!

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