There have been a few articles and points of interest on facebook today. I will share a few of them with you. In the mind or in the brain? Scientific evidence for central sensitisation in chronic fatigue syndrome a study being carried out in Belgium. Chronic fatigue sufferers push for awareness a campaign in Australia. Action for ME spread the word and awareness. ME matters a community page on facebook. The big sleep for ME a fundraising initiative. An article from the Daily telegraph about a 16 year old who has written to her ME. A New Zealand article about stigma and ME. An article from Malta about lack of support in Britain. There is also an article in the Nursing Times on this subject, but you have to register to read it. It is only a short article, but links to Action for ME campaign Time to Deliver. Articles were published in Sheffield Star and Sheffield Telegraph about a local lady with ME and her experiences.
Final piece from facebook a photo campaign to fundraise called my two sides set up by Clare Stephanie Cartlidge
Here is a poem by Rosalynde Lemarchand
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Selfishness and ignorance have a lot to answer for. Many of us, myself included, take our health and mobility for granted and are not grateful for having it. We don't put ourselves in other people's shoes often enough and we spend too much time thinking about ourselves.
Yes that is often true. What annoys me the most is the ignorance and the fact that people don't want to understand. I can't expect anyone else to know what it is like even those closest to me, but I would like people to respect me and recognise that I have difficulties not just dismiss them. You can only relate to what you know and experience. I have never had cancer, but I would not say that someone who has is not ill or that I think there is nothing wrong with them or refuse to make allowances for their condition.