Thank you Margaret, we love your craft fairs, flower arrangements and plants. Margaret also runs flower arranging classes at Rivers Meet
What is your craft?
I’m not sure it counts as a craft, I’m a gardener, garden designer, florist and craft fair organiser! I have – as they say – a portfolio career!
How did you get started and when?
Well I used to have a proper job as a Client Relationship Director of a multinational translation company. Foolishly I left and got what seemed like a wonderful job at Red Letter Days setting up their new operation in the north….it was a bit of a dream job. But after only 3 months the company went into liquidation, was bought out and was downsized. So of course I was out of a job. I felt I’d had it working for other entrepreneurs and decided I wanted to be my own boss. Gardening was always a passion and so I went off to study garden design, took classes in wedding floristry and off I went. That was 8 yeas ago. If only I’d done it sooner
Do you have a business name? What is it and how did you choose it?
Yes, Ready Planted. Because when I started out I was just looking at gardening and wanted to provide a ready planted garden for those who weren’t confident gardeners themselves.
What is your favourite part of your craft?
Making something look fabulous! Whether its flowers for a wedding or a garden makeover nothing is more rewarding than looking at your handiwork and being pleased with it. Apart of course from the client saying how lovely it is too!
What is your least favourite part?
The sheer physical hard graft. Which is why I wish I’d done this sooner. Sometimes a hard day in someone’s garden, even with an assistant is totally knackering. Even a big wedding is remarkably tiring. I think people imagine that a little flower arranging is a rather ladylike affair….I wish…..
Do you have a favourite thing that you make? Do you have a picture of it?
No. I love every bouquet I make, every border I transform, every seed that germinates…but I’ll send some pictures.
Do you have a website or Facebook page? If so what is the URL?
Yes. Facebook is and I have a wordpress account :
Do you sell your makes? If so, how and where?
Just give me a ring! But I also organise the craft fairs at Rivers Meet Craft Café in Methley so people can find me there and lots of other lovely crafters who come along with all their wares.
What is your favourite craft product?
Buttonholes. I love making buttonholes. They are like little works of art…and I don’t mean one carnation and a bit of fern.
What is your favourite craft supplier?
Nature….she is very clever.
Personal Details
Name: Margaret Fiddes
Age: older than my teeth
Location: Knottingley
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