Beginning to look like a quilt!

I finished my last quilt block today, so now begins the piecing together, I think the end is some way off yet.  It was an exhausting morning.  I was worn out before I went and then spent quite a lot of time cutting, trimming and ironing, the hardest things for me to do, could hardly walk to the car when I left and had to get Rob home to collect Emily from school.

Not much energy for typing, but wanted to put on the pictures from today.

 Last block, called snail trail.
Proposed layout
I am not sure what to think about the quilt, everyone elses are much more colour co-ordinated and thought out, mine always look a bit random and not how I envisaged it at the start.  Think it would have been more effective with less colour variation, but a bit late now and I am sure it will be ok in the end.  There was a new lady in the class who brought in an amazing quilt that would look perfect in my bedroom!!  Seeing others peoples work give me loads of ideas, but I really need to use up oddments of fabric rather than buying more.  I want to make a pieced cat in blues to use as a picture in my bedroom, I have some great pieces to use.  I also want to make a hanging storage for Emily’s bedroom, I have the pattern for this one, it will have to be pink of course.
But I think I am getting a bit ahead of myself as there are many months of work to go on the current quilt first and with summer and holidays coming up, I am not sure how many classes I will get to. Next class is June 20th which is the week of my birthday and Rob is away the day before the class, so me getting there hangs in the balance.  After that is is 18th July which is Friday before school breaks up for 6 weeks on the Tuesday and close to my holiday then 15th August which is in middle of school holidays and close to another trip we have planned, so quilting is not looking promising 🙁  It may end up being Christmas before I finish, which will be just short of 2 years since I started it!!
I need to find some time to clear my foggy head and get on with the card I am stitching and Emily wants a leaving present for her teacher who leaves on Friday, no pressure then!

Here are some photos from the May Day event in Rothwell last week.
Finally here is my new logo for my website, thanks to Rob for designing it and Lee from Elevatedby for his comments.

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