Is it going to be one of those days today?

It feels like everything I touch today is going wrong, I am trying to make card for Emily’s teacher and I can’t get the photo to print correctly, it looks awful so have had to admit defeat for now as I have not got clue what I am doing!  My phone isn’t working properly and I managed to trap my hand putting my sewing machine away.  Wondering if I am safe to be around today.  I am feeling very woolly headed so no idea if its me or the things that I am trying to do that are not working properly.  Its probably the payback for spending much of the day at Sherburn in Elmet gala on Saturday, it was a lovely day and we spent a lot of time in the sun, but it also meant I was in my wheelchair for a long time and it was very noisy and bright, which are not ME friendly.  I felt ok whilst I was there, but felt terrible yesterday and was not able to take Emily to messy church where they had the theme of Jonah and the whale.  Thank you to Rob who stepped in and took her along with friend Pat.  I did manage to take her to the park for a while after tea and sat watching her finally crack riding her bike without stabilisers, way to go Em!  I took some pictures, but cannot find them on my phone, I am useless with technology, I seem to have photos in several different places, but no sign of the ones I took last night, aggghhhh.

Here is one from earlier in the day, on the footpath near our house.
And one of Timmy sheltering from the heat
The gala we went to was great and we had a nice time in the sun and wandering around the fair and stalls.  We managed not to buy too many things, just a jar of chutney from Jan at Carr Houses, she makes the most amazing jams and lemon curd too, I love the apricot and ameretto jam. Got an apron for Emily from Maggy at Cotton Bobbins, she makes great cushions, bags and apron in gorgeous fabric.  I have one of the cushions in my bedroom in my new chair that I have got for my birthday, even though its not my birthday yet!
This is another of Maggy’s cushions, which I have not bought, but I am into owls at the moment so love this.  I have been looking at owl things whilst not feeling up to anything else and posting them on Pinterest, total waste of time really, but keeps me amused when my brain can’t do more. Think these are my favourites embossed owl and owls
and a bag
A kit to make a backpack for a child
I need to stop now as feeling sick and shaky and my pain is getting worse, perhaps its time to admit defeat for the day and get some rest before I have to collect Emily, which will come round very quickly.  Once my carer has been to wash my hair and I have had something to eat there is only time to rest.  I do feel guilty as I have sent Emily to school with a cold, but I know she will be ok, I do feel mean for sending her though, especially when my main reason is that I have not got the energy to have her at home.  I also know that once she is with her friends she will feel much better and that school will notify me if she is unwell, but I am sure she will give me a guilt trip once she gets home.

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