So sad

I cannot type a lot at the moment as I am struggling physically and emotionally due to the death of my beloved grandma on Monday.  She died peacefully on Monday evening with my brother and his Wife and my Auntie and Uncle with her.  I had left to put Emily to bed, I know my Grandma would have wanted me to do this and I had been with her most of the afternoon and she knew we had all been to see her.  She was 94 so we have to let her go, although it is so sad.  As Emily says she has gone to be with Papa (my grandad) and Simon (my cousin) so she will be happy now, bless you Emily.

My Grandma, or Mama as we called her, was happy to have got to know her great grandchildren, Emily 7 and Benjamin 10 and she thought the world of them.

I have lost my last grandparent now, I was very lucky to have them all through my childhood and to get to nearly 43 before losing the last.

I spent a lot of time with Mama when I was a child and before I moved away.  She is were I get my creativeness from, she taught me to knit and always wanted to know what I was making.  I gave her the first quilt that I made

Mama always knitted, even in recent years when she could not see.  She knitted for all her grandchildren and great grandchildren and we all had granny square crocheted blankets.  It is only recently that I have had to learn to finished off my own knitting, because I always gave it to Mama as she could do it better.  I still have a long way to go to be as neat as she was.
I do feel sad that I did not see as much of her in recent years and was not able to be there for her due to my own health problems and looking after Emily, but I think she understood this.  The last thing she asked me to do was comb her hair, she hated her hair to be a mess.
Bless you Mama. Rest in Peace, we will all miss you so much.
Mama with Emily aged 2 weeks.
Mama with Emily and Isla, celebrating Emily’s 6th Birthday.
Mama on my mobility scooter she thought it was great!!

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