Positives Day 3 with frustrations!

Well I am trying my best with the positives and despite a frustrating day yesterday I did manage 3.  Emily doing her reading without a fuss and enjoying it, getting the loft ladders fixed, having a peaceful time doing a jigsaw with Rob and Emily. its always very tempting to put a but …. after each one, but I will try to refrain.

Now frustrations!  Further issues at school which we are not sure how to deal with.  Not understanding the Elsa pattern instructions on how to sew up, totally confused and will have to get some help.  I have already been confused by the pattern being American and some of the terms being different eg kfb = knit in front and back and BO= cast off.  Then I thought well I can do some of the sewing up and stuffing, wrong I have no stuffing or at least none that I can find.  How is it possible to have so much stuff stashed away and not have the thing you want?!  Shower broken down and need to get plumber in, but can’t get hold of plumber.  Totally forgetting to bake or buy cakes for Macmillan coffee event at school today.

As all the things I try to do seem to be meeting with a problem today I shall now go and sew Emily’s name in some school tights, now where did I put my needle and thread?!

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