Positives Day 4 and 5

My positives for yesterday and today.

Firstly last night was very impressed with Emily asking to do her homework and sticking with it, despite the fact it was difficult and took both of us an hour to get through it.  Although it was very hard work for me to stick at it too, was an achievement and a chance to do something with Emily.

Emily was also calmer yesterday.

For myself I found a pattern that I can use on my knitting to replace the one I just can’t get right. Today Rob helped me to incorporate it into the pattern.

Today’s are Rob had the day off work and we got a few things talked about.  We went out to lunch. We both attended the school harvest service, which was good fun and the children had worked hard towards it.  I also now understand all the songs Emily has been singing around the house this week!  We donated some food which is going to the local food bank.

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