The days and weeks seem to be getting more difficult and my energy is quickly depleted, but then when I realise how much we are doing its hardly surprising. As today is 1st of October I turned my calender over to find there is hardly day where I don’t have something on and that’s on top of normal routine and my PA is away for best part of 3 weeks and I have only have cover for cleaning, so that will be 2 hours a week instead of 2 hours a day!! The month ends with half term a week off school with two training days tacked on to it. I can’t face it all, but what choice do I have. Rob informed me he has a long day in London next Thursday, I have Emily’s Willows worker coming and need to get Emily to GFS and Rob will be out the following evening using his anniversary voucher at Curry Cuisine. I have to get Emily for her eye test this afternoon, traffic is bad in Leeds today due to a nightclub fire, took Rob an hour and half to get to work, so no idea how long it will take him to get home. Luckily for me the eye test is local, but parking is a nightmare.
I was much happier on turning over my other calender and finding a beautiful pin up boy!
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