Well that’s me and the weather. It’s miserable today, I was glad that it was not me on school run this morning. Emily went wrapped up in her new school coat complete with lopsided bunches. I am useless at doing hair anyway, but she won’t keep still either and by the time she comes home they will probably have fallen out and been done again many times.
I have been even more run down than normal and have ulcers in my mouth and down my throat, its horrid. I ended up going to NHS walk in clinic yesterday to get it looked at, but she said it is a viral thing and will clear up on its own, just take painkillers and use Bonjela, so that’s what I am doing. Having a bug makes me feel more tired and weak so everything is even harder. On top of this my PA is away for 3 weeks so I have no daily help. I have cover for cleaning, but only 2 hours a week, which was today. I normally have 2 hours a day so there is a lot to keep up with.
I should be at 5 ways this morning, but am not well enough to go. I am upset about it, and hope I don’t miss too much. I had made cards for everyone saying
Rob was able to drop them off for me and I just found out they got them ok. Hope to be there next week, but when I have no help at home everything else has to be sacrificed.
All I want to do is sleep, but I am not sleeping, so that is very frustrating. I have spent quite a lot of time laying down as moving around makes me too dizzy and takes a lot of effort at the moment.
I am feeling pretty useless as I feel like I am getting nothing done. The damp depressing weather doesn’t help, and its forecast to stay like this. Well at least its nice to be able to lay down and get cosy warm when it’s like this.
I got a bit lost with my positive thinking last week and haven’t got anything after Thursday. I need to try and get it done this week as its a useful thing to do.
As a glutton for punishment I have signed up for an online child behaviour course. I have printed of the first lesson, but not even looked at it yet, its too much to take in at the moment, but it does look as if it will be useful.
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