Yesterday was my quilting class, with Rob tagging along to carry things and drive me there I arrived ready to get on with my quilt. Unfortunately my sewing machine seems to dislike the sparkly fabric and would not sew properly through the fabric and wadding. After many attempts and many alterations to machine setting and re-threadings etc it was decided it was not going to work. So my options were hand quilt it, that would take me forever and be quite hard work for me or try Sarah’s machine, which she will bring along to the next class. Thankfully I had got a couple of other things to work on, so made the Olaf window picture, will post photo another time its too dark now. Sarah had ideas for Christmas projects which I liked and I do have some Christmas fabric to use up, but Rob says I should do one thing at a time, hmmmm, we will see.
So my positives for yesterday were actually getting to the class as I was sure I wouldn’t be able to with how I had been during the week. Second is getting the Olaf made.
In the evening I got chance to ask Rob to look at the Elsa knitting pattern where I had got stuck on the sewing up as it was not clear how to do it. Rob worked it out and I managed to finish off the doll, its a bit wonky, but Emily likes it, so that is my third positive. Again I will post a picture another time. Of course she now wants Anna ASAP! And I have an Olaf pattern too, always so many ideas! One thing at a time, never.
This morning whilst Rob waited in for a non existent collection, I took Emily to the local library to look for books about Seals, she has to do a project for school over half term. Then she wanted to go in Morrison’s for lunch. There was nothing I could eat so I just had a drink whilst she had her kiddie meal. It was nice to get out just the two of us and she behaved well. So that is my first positive. Things went a bit downhill after that, but there was a lovely pink sky at sunset and I had my hair washed and dried this morning so they are my other two for today.
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