Yesterday was the annual Christmas fair and light switch on in Rothwell, its a great day and well attended.
Emily had a brilliant face painting done by Artifaces and went on some of the fairground rides.
Later on we went back for the lights switch on and fireworks. Well done Rothwell Carnival Committee. Thankfully it stayed dry and not too cold.
We managed not to buy too much, a star decoration for Emily which we had ordered at another event from Lexi’s Little Gems
A bun from Cakes for Breaks and a pork pie (no pictures of these, wonder why!) and a Christmas Cake. The indoor stalls are difficult to access if you are disabled, we managed to get in the back door when we arrived, but a bit later it was closed and there was no disabled access, there is access at the side of the building, but that was also closed and the only way in is up a flight of steps. When we tried to go back in we couldn’t get in so I had to sit in the car. It is also a very busy event and getting near the stalls is difficult, which is a shame especially as there was an FDM (for Disability Mobility) stand inside! Outside stalls were easier to access, but they were lucky it was good weather.
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