25 year old pain :-(

I wrote the piece yesterday, expecting to be able to write loads and help me deal with some emotions that have been reignited recently.

I did not get that far, somehow the story got stuck and I am finding it difficult to deal with.  I purchased this book Letting Go in the hope that it will help, but I find it difficult to take things in and like to read for pleasure, this will feel like another chore to add to the never ending list.

The pain was reignited when I saw that Derbyshire Royal Infirmary was being demolished and an article in the Daily Mail showing pictures of the abandoned hospital and nurses home.

I saw this on facebook
That’s how I feel, it was never 25 years ago, even though I have an 8 year old daughter and have been married nearly 14 years!!  Makes me feel so old and useless!

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