Many of you may have seen the disgusting remark made by Nigel Farage earlier in the week about that immigration divides communities to the extent that children can no longer play outside together. Really?! He obviously has little contact with children. Children do not care about the colour of people’s skin or their background to them they are just other children and they will play together given the chance. I imagine most of the prejudices come from adults, telling their children who they can and can’t play with.
A large group of playworkers have drafted a letter to politicians , posted on Policy for Play. I qualified as a playworker back in 1997 and its good to see some familiar names on the list.
The letter is as follows;
Dear Candidate,
Marc Armitage, Independent Playwork Consultant
Roger Barham Fran Barton
Arthur Battram, PleXity
Simon Bazley
Tracey Beasley, Playwork and Early Years Trainer, CWT – Chamber Training
Joan Beattie, EQ Playwork Training and Consultancy
Lucy Benson, Islington Play Association
Steve Boeje, Play Association Hammersmith and Fulham
Jackie Boldon and the Shiremoor Adventure Playground team
Dani Bowman, Community Development Officer, High Wycombe
Karen Benjamin, Training and Development Officer, Playwork Partnerships
Janine Sally Brady
Amanda Brook
Professor Fraser Brown
Donne Buck
Petra Burgess, senior playworker, Bapp
Phill Burton, Dynamix
Imogen Butler-Cole
Rebecca Coley, Birmingham PlayCare Service
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