Thank goodness it’s Monday!

What a relief that it’s back to school today, the Easter holidays have seemed very long and hard work.

Emily had lots of activities on and enjoyed them, but its hard work getting her there and back.  Her favourites were singing and dancing with Red Carpet Theatre School.  She would love to be part of the theatre group but we cannot give the commitment that it needs.

During the holidays it was my Mum’s 70th birthday so we went to visit for a few days and caught up with family and friends.  I had some cakes made by Cakes for Breaks which were very nice according to those who had them, sadly not gluten free, but they looked great

I made a card of course
The cat is an origami pattern from Printable Heaven and the paw it a stitched using a pattern from Crafts U Print.
I really need to take my tired and achy body to rest now, I am sad not to be able to attend the school church service this morning, I always try to go, but would not be able to get into the church today 🙁  I hope Emily is not too disappointed.  I need to get plenty of rest for the next holidays which are only a month away!!

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