Fundraising Update – How do you raise awareness and money whilst keeping within limitations?

Well it’s all going well so far, I have got £240 donated, which is nearly half way to the target I set, which was actually totally random, but would be great if I could reach it.

My promotional goodies have arrived and I have spoken to Emily’s teacher and am hoping that the children will be able to do something princess related 🙂 I have also got some Princess light up balloons :-0

In June we had a photo session booked, but due to another commitment needed to cancel it, but then I saw there was a session on May 10th, the day I am planning my Princess dress up, so I am hoping we can change to that day, it will be great, but exhausting!
It’s so difficult to know what is best to do, I mean how do you raise awareness and money and keep to limitations?  At times it is exhausting just thinking about it.  Even writing the blog and setting up the giving pages takes effort especially as I don’t have a laptop or tablet so have to sit at my desktop.  Getting involved and going to events is not a good demonstration of ME as no one can see the effort that it takes and the consequences after as we go in there with a smile and join in as much as we can.  I know I am pushing my limits, I am struggling quite a bit as it is with pain, fatigue, dizziness, brainfog and tinnitus being very bad at the moment, so I am actually doing myself any favours by trying to do this?  But its too good an opportunity to let it pass by or to hope that someone else will do it instead.
I am trying to get people to donate direct to my just-giving page, to save me having to collect and donate on peoples behalf and if people donate for themselves they can claim the gift aid.  I am also determined not to chase people for money, when we have done sponsored events before I spend so much time reminding people they said they would donate and trying to get money from people and then ending up putting a lot of it in myself, its really not worth it.  If people really think it is a good cause then they will make the effort to donate, if they don’t I think that is probably the true reflection of what they think about the cause or the person trying to raise money, sorry if that sounds harsh.  Having said this Just giving is not working at the moment, which is not very helpful, but it’s probably because everyone is making donations following yesterday’s marathon.
I had a giggle at this 
but seriously for a person with ME, just getting out of bed can feel like a Marathon.
I am going to be joining in with the Team Princess auction on May 12th.  I need to sort out some things to donate.  If any of my crafty friends have anything they can donate, it is all for a good cause.  The organisers want to know details of any items by May 5th.
I am also following with interest Knit and Tulip for ME, they are currently doing a campaign for knitting tulips to go into public displays, the first being in London on May 14th.  I really want to join in and knit, but know that I won’t get chance before May 14th, but they are still collecting afterwards. (The pattern for the Tulips is on the site). They are also every day during April, listing an ME symptom or how ME affects us each day, up to day 26 I have all the symptoms 🙁  Sad but true.  This also makes me feel awkward about trying to raise awareness as I don’t want to sound as if I am moaning or wanting people to feel sorry for me, I know there are many people in much worse situations and many more worthy causes. Hence my comments yesterday saying;

Still time to donate to my Princess for ME event, read about it here

I know it’s not the most important thing to donate to, but it means a lot to me and every bit helps, so please give if you can. If you are not able to give, please spend just a few minutes finding out the effects of ME at sites like or, many thanks”

Lastly as I am now very dizzy and in pain and feeling sick and its only 9.30am!!  I saw this and will definitely be printing some off for my publicity information

and a few others I might use if I have the time and energy to print them off.

(I don’t have the energy to put make up on and wash and dry my own hair, but still like this one)

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