Awareness Videos and Talk to me.

Action for ME have released a series of videos on you tube to show what it is like to have some of the ME symptoms, check them out Action for ME You Tube.  They cover Speech problems, Post Exertional Malaise, Muscle pain, Sleep problems, Headaches and Light and Sound sensitivity.

I realised I have posted a lot and made quite a fuss about ME this week, I do hope that it has given people some insight and not annoyed them or made them think badly of me or people with ME.

I am asking people to get in touch if they are interesting in telling me about their illness experiences or experiences of traumatic events.  I want to make people aware of the unseen and help people deal with issues and improve Mental Health for people who feel they are unheard and not cared about.

I am also asking people to get in touch if they want to tell me about their craft activities, especially if they use craft as a therapy.  Please do get in touch either at email or leave a comment on my blog.  Sorry to people who may have been leaving comments, I had changed one of the settings and it only allowed comments from people with a Google account, it should be sorted now and enable anyone to comment.

Finally on a lighter note the ME awareness colour is blue, I received an email with a link for making blue jewellery which I would like to share as I think they are beautiful and blue is such a calming colour.

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