Here is a great article about a fellow sufferer Jenny Andrews, who has had both ME and cancer and her experiences of the difference in attitude and treatment between the two and her descriptions of having ME.
There are some great quotes
“Jose Montoya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University and a leading expert in CFS, has described the condition as ‘one of the greatest scientific and medical challenges of our time’.
He said: ‘Its symptoms often include not only overwhelming fatigue but also joint and muscle pain, incapacitating headaches, food intolerance, sore throat, enlargement of the lymph nodes, gastrointestinal problems, abnormal blood-pressure and heart-rate events, and hypersensitivity to light, noise or other sensations.'”
“Chronic fatigue is like having horrendous nausea and then being thrown on a ship – and feeling sea sick – with bags of potatoes tied to each limb – and then someone asking you to run a marathon. And that is just to get to the toilet.”
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