Iris card from Dee Craft and baking paper made with backing paper maker at Craftville. Really pleased with this one made for my nephew. Love making my own backing papers so I can personalise the designs.
A couple of quick makes using postcards from postcard store and card blanks from Dee Craft.
Pattern from Cardbroidery and baking paper printed from Craftville
Another pattern from Cardbroidery
Pattern from Ann’s paper art. Backing made using crafts concepts embossing folder, Wings. Bow from Yellow Moon and beads from Beads Direct DP462
Finally, Emily’s costume for world book day, she wanted to be Gemma the Gymnastics fairy (phew not too difficult) Dyed white leggings and covered pink wings with yellow chiffon, made necklace and put hair in bun. The hardest thing was putting her hair in a bun as I was having a bad day and my fingers would do what I wanted them to!!
Lots of ideas for March, but it is already the 9th and not done anything yet as been too unwell, 3 days in bed unable to function, just starting to function again, but don’t think my fingers or brain can cope with craft yet. Also hoping to get some of my craft stuff more sorted when Rob has a couple of days off, I spend too much time and energy just looking for things at the moment!
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