Long time no blog

I am really struggling at the moment having juggled Christmas, my Dad being really ill and two birthdays and parties followed by school half term.  Only today to survive, but then it’s back to school run 🙁

I have so many ideas for things to make and things to finish, but my energy and time are so short and I am in a lot of pain and very dizzy.

I managed a few makes for February, but they were hard work and went right to the wire to get them finished. All the patterns are from Stitching Cards, it has taken me nearly 5 years to get around to doing the Queen one, it wasn’t as hard as I imagined, but it is fiddly and time consuming and many beads were lost down the sofa!

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I have found a new stitching pattern site and was tempted by some of their patterns, but won’t get chance to make them in time for what I wanted, maybe next year! The site is called Add Some Sparkle

That’s all for now.



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