I am not a regular church goer, but when our local church were doing a Songs of Praise service, I asked if I could join in. I was welcomed with open arms.
The Hymn I chose was One More Step Along The World I Go. Which we sang to this version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6DNXpxgCJE&index=2&t=0s&list=PLUi2Z7lZRk8dR09iX7Id3YYRpj09NdUyO
I can remember singing this at school. I next heard it at a school friend’s Wedding. She was embarking on married life, but I was going in a different direction as a long term relationship had just ended.
Little did I know the next time would be my own wedding 5 years later, in the same church. My Dad walked with me on the start of my journey to married life. Sadly, he died last year a step I was not ready for or expecting.
My next significant step was taken when Emily came along, a much-awaited addition to our family. At Emily’s naming we sung one more step. It had added significance at the time as, as well as becoming parents, Rob had been treated for cancer and had successfully finished that journey.
Having been ill for 21 years, it is hard for me to see much progress in my own life, except for getting older. My physical steps are limited. I travel along with those who are taking their own steps. One more step was played at Emily’s primary school leavers service in June. We have come a long way since her naming day in 2007 and she is taking many steps along the world and becoming more independent. A significant moment in a child’s life is the first steps they take and there is no stopping them after that.
Eventually we all take our final steps in this world, I want One More Step played at my funeral. Hopefully we will make many more steps before this happens.
After the service many people came up to me saying how much they liked my choice and to thank me for sharing my story. It was an emotional service with people sharing personal stories.