I seem to have missed the last few months of last year, it seemed to go from September to Christmas in a week!!
I was actually trying to get ready for our fundraiser and school Christmas fair and also settling in our new kitten. As usual I did not get done what I would have liked to do, I always have so many ideas and not enough time and energy, throw into that a kitten and things take even longer!!
Today said kitten has been to vets to be spayed, planning to get lots done fell flat as I had no sleep last night or night before due to doing too much!! My PA was off yesterday so getting back to normal routine has been delayed and pain and fatigue hit today. The best laid plans and all that, I give up, it never works.
Anyway back to what I have been up to craft wise! In was in such a hurry when I actually managed to make things, most didn’t get photographed and I haven’t been able to update my website shop as I need to take pictures and write descriptions. But here are a few pictures
After another delay of a week and problems with uploading pictures here are the pictures!!
For those of you who are wondering a Cranniversary is the anniversary of Brain surgery. I sold these cards at BTRS events. My daughter is also making Scrunchies for BTRS
Again apologies for card pictures, they don’t do the cards justice at all 🙁 Many of the cards I made didn’t even make it in front of the camera due to lack of time and energy.
As usual I am finding this time of year difficult, New years mean another year has passed and things are no better and life is just passing by. Rob and Emily make progress, I just stay stuck. It’s 30 years this year since I started my nursing, 20 years since I had to stop work. Next year I will be 50 and done nothing with my life and can’t seem to make a go of anything. Christmas and the run up is such hard work and there is little pleasure in it as it is so difficult.
This week I have an appointment at the CFS clinic, but having been before I am not holding out much hope. I have also started having reflexology in an effort to relax and ease some of my symptoms, but getting to appointments and the cost outweighs the benefits.
Well I had better finish now or it will be another week gone. I have to get ready for birthdays now, Rob and Emily having birthdays at beginning of February is not good timing!