Holiday cancelled.

If you have been reading my blog you will have seen that we should be away at the moment, but like everyone else our trip has been cancelled. I had hoped to be able to do an imaginary holiday with photos and information about places we ‘visited’, but sadly Emily found it too upsetting and just wanted to be there instead. She wanted to know why we can’t just tell Coronovirus to go away? If it was that simple it would have been done a long time ago and saved everyone a lot of stress and heartache. For now Coronovirus is here to stay and we have to accept it and make the best of what we can do.

We are seeing my Mum tomorrow for the first time since March which will hopefully cheer up her and Emily. They have spoken almost every day on video chat, but it’s not the same. Due to my hearing issues I haven’t spoken to anyone, I can only email and message, so it’s been a lonely time for us all.

Going back to the imaginary holiday it was easier for Rob and I as we have been before so can visualise the places and know what the experience feels like. Emily is keen for us to go next year and had shown some interest in places we could visit and loved the idea of swimming in the lake, although I am not sure what she would make of it in reality, I think the size might overwhelm her. We will have to wait and see as no one knows yet what holidays will be like next year. It’s our 20th wedding anniversary next year and we had thought about going back to Switzerland where we had our Honeymoon, but only time will tell.

Zell Am See

On the positive side the weather forecast for Zell am See this week is for rain, so that would have dampened our spirits a bit, but still rather sit in the rain there than home.

With supposed to have been away for my birthday and wedding anniversary we hadn’t planned to do anything and even though we have known for a while that we wouldn’t be going we didn’t know what we would be able to do. I have now booked to have Gluten Free Afternoon Tea delivered, courtesy of Gluten Freekz

Having a imaginary holiday quite appealed to me as it meant I could do what I wanted and not have to worry about energy levels or places being wheelchair friendly or what food I could eat. Usually these issues get in the way of us enjoying ourselves as we are always having to think and plan ahead and are worn out before we have done anything. In my imagination I would be able to walk or cycle around the lake or even swim in it. I would be able to eat Austrian delicacies such as Apple strudel, Schnitzel, Knodel, sausage or Austrian smoked cheese. I could go up mountains and admire the view and jump in the snow (if there is any on the tops).

Summer 2020 will stick in the minds of most of us for a long time to come and we are going to have to find creative ways to have fun and spend time enjoying the outdoors. Today we did manage a drive to Charlotte’s Ice cream for takeaway, but with no toilets available we couldn’t stay out for long.

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