Quiz Time

During lockdown we have been doing a family quiz online. We take it in turns to set the questions and have had some interesting ones.

I have discovered that I can share power point presentations, so here are the links to my quizzes.

https://1drv.ms/p/s!AmntoVO1uETvk2n5qUxu6cdgEbwM?e=MLmSlp Quiz by Emily and me

https://1drv.ms/p/s!AmntoVO1uETvk2dH2JlCZ7ltgQfJ?e=V8T5vn Cat themed quiz

https://1drv.ms/p/s!AmntoVO1uETvk2Ct_QVR11GCGaBK?e=tPzAV2 Valentines quiz

I also did a birthday quiz with questions about the dates of everyones birthday, but it is not appropriate to share that one.

I am wondering if my next quiz can be based on the names of family members, I like having a theme.

Doing the quiz has been a good way to see everyone and using the powerpoint presentation means that those of us with hearing difficulties can join in which we can’t with just a chat or questions read out. In some ways lockdown has opened up a lot of opportunities for disabled people who are normal isolated. I hope that this will continue as lockdown eases.

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